6 Ways to Cut Concrete Blocks with a Circular Saw

6 Ways to Cut Concrete Blocks with a Circular Saw

Cutting concrete blocks with a circular saw is no easy task. In this article, we will cover 6 strategies to use when cutting concrete blocks with a circular saw.

In addition, there are also safety considerations that need to be made before cutting anything. Now that you’re ready, let’s begin!

6 Ways to Cut Concrete Blocks with a Circular Saw

1) Put Protective Gear

The first thing you need to do before cutting any material makes sure that you are wearing the proper safety gear.

This includes gloves, earplugs, and eye protection. When it comes to saw blades, there is always a chance of flying debris coming your way so this can be very dangerous if not properly protected in advance.

In order to get the best wear from your cut pieces of concrete blocks with circular saws, we recommend using a diamond blade for maximum efficiency as well as an oscillating or orbital-cutting head attachment for clean cuts without chipping away at edges which would require more work on the part of the user.

To avoid accidents while carrying out these tasks, try minimizing complex movements when handling tools such as laptops and power tools, or you can wear a back brace if it is more suitable for your needs.

2) Place The Chalk Line To Mark The Position

This makes it easier for you, as well as reducing the chances of misalignment or errors in cutting out the shape.

Apply pressure with your saw and start moving from one end to another while making sure to keep both hands on top of the handle when pushing down against concrete blocks so that there is no chance of injury by flying debris coming from below.

Watch out not only for mistakes made during this process but also for any possible flaws within the stone which may have been missed before starting work (such as deep cracks).

It might be best then if you started over again using different techniques rather than trying to fix them after they are found.

3) Adjust The Circular Saw Before Cutting Blocks Of Concrete

Check that your blade is well-sharpened and remove any debris from the teeth of the blade (i.e., chips, stone fragments).

It might be best if you use a push block when doing this as it will help prevent damage resulting from contact with metal.

4) Commence The Cutting Process

It’s best to start cutting from the top of the block and then making your way down.

This will give you a small area that is not cut through at any point, so that if you need to do any last-minute adjustments it can be done without risking injury or damaging the surface below (e.g., stone countertops).

5) Have Someone Else Help You By Pouring More Water On The Surface

This will help to prevent the blade from sticking or getting stuck on a cut, making it easier for you to use.

Ideally, one person should be holding down the block and another spraying water in short intervals as needed.

6) Use Close Intervals During Cutting

It’s best to avoid taking long breaks in between cutting. By doing so, the blade will be able to keep its sharp edge for a longer period of time and it’ll make completing all your cuts much easier than if you took these small pauses which could extend your work by hours or even days.

If the blade does get stuck on any part of the block, use an abrasive material (e.g., sandpaper) that is not too coarse to file down this area before using it again yourself, otherwise, you might risk damaging the surrounding surface below as well when trying to cut through without filing first.

Additional Considerations

  • use a circular saw with adjustable blade depth for cutting blocks.
  • A water spray can be used in conjunction when the concrete block starts heating up, which will prevent it from getting too hot and melting as well. The same goes for any fixative sprays (e.g., WD-40) that could inhibit excessive friction between the blade and surface of the concrete block being cut on.
  • If a block starts heating up too much, it can be cooled down by spraying water on the blade while continuing to cut through. This will also help in cutting thicker blocks more efficiently.

Quick Safety Tips

  • be alert for sparks that will fly off when cutting through metal parts of concrete blocks with a circular saw.
  • cut in an area where there is no possibility of any over-spray (e.g., near curtains). Keep children away during this process as well.
  • avoid wearing loose clothing or anything on your hands while operating the machine. This includes jewelry too! Do not touch surfaces you are about to cut without first spraying water on them if possible.
  • always wear ear protection so that you can hear what’s going on around you should something suddenly happen like someone walking up behind and tapping your shoulder. It might just save your life or even save the lives of others nearby.
  • be aware that a circular saw can kick back if not used properly, so keep both hands on the handle and push it away from you when cutting through corrugated concrete blocks with a circular saw.
  • always cut towards yourself rather than away to prevent kicking back or losing control of the blade which could cause injury to someone else standing too close by (e.g., in case they walk up behind you). Be sure to check for any potential tripping hazards before using this type of machine as well.


What Does A Circular Saw Cut?

A circular saw cuts through wood, metal, or other material by slowly rotating to the desired angle and depth of cut. Circular saws are used in many industries for cutting materials such as plywood, insulation boards, drywall panels, concrete blocks, and various metals including aluminum sections. They can also be used to make straight cuts on already-assembled parts like lumber studs.

How Do You Use A Circular Saw With Corrugated Steel?

With most power tools it is best practice to always wear protective eye goggles; when working with any type of laser cutter it’s essential that eyewear is always worn. When using this technique cutting holes in steel plates (or sheets ) with a circular saw, it’s best to wear protective gloves.


in conclusion, I would like to say that using a circular saw with corrugated steel is an easy and efficient way of cutting holes in these materials. You can use it for many industrial applications as well, including creating straight cuts on already-assembled parts.